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16 Spring Peace Corps Prep Program application deadline
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Spring 2024


IDEAS Phase 1 report

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Peter Palombi Received Award for Academic Achievement Award at The Forum

Peter Palombi, a UC Berkeley student in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, was honored with the Award for Academic Achievement Award at The Forum on Education Abroad conference.
This award recognizes thoughtful academic projects that students complete as part of their study abroad programs. At the conference, Peter presented his research project he completed while attending the UCEAP Tropical Biology and Conservation Program in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Students are invited to present at The Forum on Education Abroad conference as part of being a recipient of the UCEAP Undergraduate Research Award. Peter received the award for his scientific contributions during a 2023 study abroad program. In the Spring of 2023, Peter left for Monteverde, Costa Rica, through the UCEAP Tropical Biology and Conservation Program, which allows students to perform independent research in diverse ecological settings. Peter chose to study a species of predatory fungus gnat larvae, considering the lack of comprehensive knowledge a welcomed challenge. His overarching aim was to investigate how environmental factors influence the web-building patterns of the fly larvae, specifically those found in the cloud forest of Costa Rica.
Demonstrating his dedication to his research, Peter collected data at 5 am and 7 pm each day, his efforts extending beyond the standard three-week duration of student research. Through meticulous documentation of precipitation, temperature, wind speed, and larval length, Peter sought to decipher how the interconnected nature of these factors plays a role in web construction. According to his UCEAP instructors, he constantly brought new ideas to the table and immersed himself in relevant literature.
Peter's perseverance paid off, as his results yielded new findings within the field, shedding light on how these larvae are heavily dependent on climate conditions and environmental changes. His paper marked the first documentation connecting the larva to an adult form. He also discovered a new parasitic wasp species in the lab and hopes to collaborate further with taxonomists to classify these organisms.
Through this experience, Peter gained firsthand insight into research and the dynamic nature of tropical ecosystems, subsequently altering his academic trajectory. He plans to use the award funds to return to Costa Rica and further his research to fill the knowledge gap about these organisms. Ultimately, this study abroad experience has ignited his passion for entomology, inspiring him to pursue graduate studies in the field and embark on a new chapter of academic exploration and discovery.
This award recognizes thoughtful academic projects that students complete as part of their study abroad programs. At the conference, Peter presented his research project he completed while attending the UCEAP Tropical Biology and Conservation Program in Monteverde, Costa Rica.
Students are invited to present at The Forum on Education Abroad conference as part of being a recipient of the UCEAP Undergraduate Research Award. Peter received the award for his scientific contributions during a 2023 study abroad program.
In the Spring of 2023, Peter left for Monteverde, Costa Rica, through the UCEAP Tropical Biology and Conservation Program, which allows students to perform independent research in diverse ecological settings. Peter chose to study a species of predatory fungus gnat larvae, considering the lack of comprehensive knowledge a welcomed challenge. His overarching aim was to investigate how environmental factors influence the web-building patterns of the fly larvae, specifically those found in the cloud forest of Costa Rica.
Demonstrating his dedication to his research, Peter collected data at 5 am and 7 pm each day, his efforts extending beyond the standard three-week duration of student research. Through meticulous documentation of precipitation, temperature, wind speed, and larval length, Peter sought to decipher how the interconnected nature of these factors plays a role in web construction. According to his UCEAP instructors, he constantly brought new ideas to the table and immersed himself in relevant literature.

Incense sticks burn in foreground with large Buddha statue in background.
Cityscape  lit up at night with boat moored in the water.
Alley at nightime with group sitting at outdoor table.
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Ellen Tyson Sees Hong Kong From the Student Perspective at Education Partners Event

Ellen Tyson represented UCEAP at last December’s Hong Kong Partners Event, which brought together universities from around the world.
During the event, organizers showcased Hong Kong’s post-COVID lockdown recovery, the continued growth of student internship and career opportunities, and developments in arts, culture, and technology within the universities.
This visit to Hong Kong proved to be a valuable trip for UCEAP, as it fostered connections with partners and educators, as well as important study abroad discussions, including ways in which universities can encourage non-heritage UC students to apply to destinations in Asia. At present, heritage students represent the predominant demographic for Hong Kong study abroad.
While visiting the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology– two UC partner institutions—Ellen was joined by UC study abroad colleagues from UC Davis, UC Merced, and UC Los Angeles, as well as 40 representatives from other international universities.
The event organizers arranged an itinerary of presentations, immersive walking tours of the universities’ facilities and accommodations, and hands-on experiences within the labs, classrooms, and interactive learning environments. In the afternoons, attendees ventured beyond the campus to explore city landmarks, such as Victoria Peak’s panoramic views of Hong Kong Island and the illustrious Palace Museum in the Kowloon District.
Ellen was also able to capture photography and video for the UCEAP photo library, promotional campaigns, and web content. Most significantly, this experience afforded the opportunity to see the city from a student perspective. From navigating public transportation and sampling local cuisine to strolling through bustling campuses and forging new friendships, attendees gained invaluable insights into student life in Hong Kong. By putting themselves in student shoes, study abroad staff are better equipped to understand the challenges and excitement students may encounter while studying abroad.
As this was Ellen’s first-time visiting Asia, it was rich with new experiences. Amid countless memorable moments, Ellen fondly remembers sipping hot medicinal tea at a Chinese medicine shop, exploring the vibrant night markets, riding the historic Star Ferry across Victoria Harbor at night, and witnessing a dazzling multimedia light show. From enjoying the simple pleasures of strolling through Kowloon Park among the morning bustle to her final excursion of visiting the Big Buddha on Lantau Island, Ellen found this visit a truly unforgettable adventure. Ellen’s participation in the Hong Kong Partners Event provided significant insight into Hong Kong’s academic landscape, shaping a memorable and enriching experience.


New Programs for 2024

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collage of six people  in different settings, all smiling for the camera.

Award NEWS

Internship Award Winners

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• Ashley Lopresto- KOREA- Yonsei University- placement in an international museum • Hannah Cornejo- IRELAND- Irish Parliament Internship- placement with a deputy in Ireland’s Parliament • Jahnavi Srinivas- AUSTRALIA- University of Sydney- placement in an organizational psychology institute • Takashi Matsumoto- KOREA- Yonsei University- placement with a publishing company • Tanesia William- GHANA- University of Ghana- placement with a non-profit organization • Zack Orsinelli- IRELAND- Irish Parliament Internship- placement with a deputy in Ireland’s Parliament
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The californian abroad

Harvesting Olives in Provence, France

UCEAP alums find so many connections between their life's trajectory and the time they spent on study abroad.
Read how Elias Veran (UC Santa Barbara) found his way to a UCEAP alum's olive farm outside a rural French village, where he and other students gathered for a weekend with new friends, farm-fresh food, and refreshing dips in the pond last November.
How to Vote in US Elections from Abroad
Studying abroad in the fall typically promises changing colors, and this year—a presidential election. Students can still make their voices heard while on study abroad.
Share these The Californian Abroad posts in your student communications and help students see that study abroad is much more than a few months of travel—it can change your life.


UC Students Worked on a Report that Seeks to Indemnify Police Repression Victims in Chile

During Fall 2023, UC students in the Human Rights and Cultural Memory program helped to compile a report detailing damages endured by victims of Chile’s el estallido social (social turmoil) starting in 2019.
Santiago and other Chilean cities were gripped by violent clashes between demonstrators and public order forces during this period of political upheaval.
The report sought to sustain public policies offering reparations for those injured during el estallido social. Receiving the report at an event held at Chile’s Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Deputy Secretary of Human Rights Xavier Altamirano recognized the thoroughness and commitment exhibited by those involved, stressing its importance for advancing reparative public policies.
Working under the guidance of law students Javier Foitzick and Francisca Monsalves, as well as Professors Elizabeth Lira and Hugo Rojas, the UC students received training, support, and key language translations when navigating the case file documents.
Over the course of a month, 12 UC students reviewed about 265 cases of people injured and directly affected by the actions of law enforcement corps.
The judicial files contained descriptions and images of the injured victims. Julian Padilla, a Political Science student at the UC San Diego, explained that it was eye-opening to learn about the personal stories of the victims, as well as the reality of Chile's recent history.

The students who worked on the report include:
  • UC Santa Barbara students Jeffrey Adler, Havannah Logan, Kathleen Santacruz, Caitlin Scialla, and Kalista Tibbels-Guerrero
  • UC Berkeley students Wyat Clay and Diana Ramirez
  • UC Los Angeles students Quincy Peters and Cynthia Rodriguez Carballo
  • UC Santa Cruz student Georgia Morgan
  • UC San Diego student Julian Padilla
  • UC Davis student Jenna Rodriguez
Spanning Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Santiago, Chile, the UCEAP program delves into human rights issues within the historical context of dictatorships and transitions to democracy, providing UC students with valuable interdisciplinary experiences beyond the classroom.

campus NEWS

Summer Student Raises Funds for School in Ghana’s Ashanti Region

During the 2023 Ghana Summer Program, UC Santa Barbara student Noelle Marquis, known as Elle, organized a GoFundMe campaign to support a community school in the Ashanti Region of Ghana.
UCEAP’s Public Health and Society in Ghana program spans six weeks and consists of intensive public health and community classes and hands-on field work.
Elle and her cohort worked with the Obo Methodist School and the Abono Clinic in villages surrounding Lake Bosomtwe.
Elle fell in love with the kids at the school and the community. After she returned to the US, she decided to raise funds from friends and family, who donated $1,011 for the cause. The money was presented to the school when the fall cohort visited the community. The donation will help provide windows and doors for their classrooms, bringing joy to the students and school staff.
While on the summer study abroad program in Ghana, Elle and her cohort donated essential items to the school, such as desks and school supplies. They also conducted lessons in math, English, personal hygiene and sanitation, adolescent reproductive health issues, self-confidence, and indoor and outdoor games.
The program donated medical care items for the clinic and invited community members to attend health education sessions in areas such as hypertension, early signs of diabetes, and self-breast examination.


UCEAP’s Reentry Course Shortlisted for the 2024 PIEoneer Awards

UCEAP's Navigating Reentry course is a finalist in the category of progressive education delivery at the PIE’s 2024 PIEoneer Awards.
The PIE is a global network for international education news, events, and recruitment. Every year, the PIE recognizes institutions and providers who are doing exceptional work in global education, including in the areas of diversity and equity, digital innovations, data and insights, and more. In particular, the progressive education delivery award highlights projects from around the world that demonstrate innovation, impact, and relevance to the real world. Award winners will be announced at the PIEoneer award ceremony in September 2024.
Curious about Navigating Reentry? This UCEAP interactive, online course was designed to provide study abroad returnees with a pressure-free and private way to reflect on their time abroad. Any UC student, faculty, or staff are welcome to log into UCEAP learn with their campus credentials, click Reentry, and check out the course.
  • 84% of parents/guardians encouraged their student a lot or moderately to study abroad.
  • Parent/guardians were most likely to help their students with finances (78%), travel arrangements (71%), and passport and/or visa applications (40%).
  • The top study abroad preparation or experience concern among parents/guardians is safety (59%), followed by health (22%).
  • Parents/guardians anticipated students to gain cultural (96%) and personal (87%) learning experiences while abroad.
  • The areas parents observed with the most learning gains were personal (83%) and cultural (80%) experiences.
  • The most positive ratings of observed student experience were in personal (72% “very positive”) and overall experiences (65% “very positive”).
  • 83% of parents/guardians are very likely or likely to recommend UCEAP.


Check Out Recordings of Exploring Your Identity Abroad

From undocumented to LGBTIA+ to Asian American Pacific Islander students, the Exploring Your Identity Abroad Series has provided resources for students since October 2023.
Missed an Exploring Your Identity Abroad presentation? Check out the recordings on the UCEAP YouTube playlist. And send your students there, too.
The series is a partnership between UCEAP and UC campuses to offer identity-based workshops, panels, and information sessions for students considering study abroad.
Find upcoming presentations on the Exploring Your Identity Abroad Series web page.


Heritage Seeker

"Meeting extended family was the cultural homecoming that I had expected and wanted from my study abroad experience. I was trying to fill the missing spots of my Asian identity that I deemed insufficient. This was an impossible mission from the start because of my black-and-white thinking. I am Asian American. The broken Cantonese, the lost customs, and the yearning to be whole are a part of the experience of being a first-generation Asian American."
Anna Nguyen•UC Los Angeles University of Hong Kong•Hong Kong

STAFF Awards & Accolades

David Lopez-Carr

The American Association of Geographers (AAG) has honored UCEAP Associate Dean David Lopez-Carr with the 2024 Research Excellence Award grant.
David is receiving the almost $400,000 award from the AAG’s Human Dimensions of Global Change specialty group. He will use the grant to study land degradation in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve. David was chosen for his contributions to the understanding of the connections between population dynamics and land change, which have had a profound influence on human-environment scholarship. Researchers from Mississippi State University and Brown University will join David for his project, Household Adaptation Amongst Hot Spots of Land Degradation Vulnerability and Bright Spots of Resilience.

Magdala Moser

UCEAP Technical Project Manager Maggie Moser has received her Project Management Professional certification from the Project Management Institute.
It is one of the highest certifications a project manager can receive. To obtain PMP certification, a project manager must meet certain requirements and then pass a 4-hour exam, showing that they have mastered:
  • Motivating people and teams through all phases of a successful project.
  • Using predictive, agile and hybrid approaches to determine which way of working is best for each project.
  • Highlighting the success of a project and its impact on overall strategic organizational goals.


Evelyn Chavez

Evelyn Chavez has joined UCEAP as a study abroad advisor.
Evelyn received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and in Political Science from UC Riverside in 2019. She spent a fall semester abroad through UCEAP, studying politics and international relations at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK-England. She received her master’s of science degree in Political Psychology from the University of Birmingham in 2020. After graduating, Evelyn entered the education-technology industry to help K-12 students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Evelyn’s portfolio includes the Netherlands, Mexico, Singapore, and Costa Rica.

Claudia Diaz

Claudia Diaz has joined UCEAP as a study abroad advisor.
Originally from Los Angeles, Claudia graduated from Lewis and Clark College in Portland with a bachelor's degree in Hispanic Studies and a minor in Russian. She spent a semester abroad in Alicante, Spain, and after graduation decided to return to Spain as a language assistant. Claudia then received her master's degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Westminster in London, UK-England. Claudia’s portfolio includes the UK-England (not summer programs in Sussex), Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, and South Africa.

Zak Frieders

Zak Frieders has joined UCEAP as the study center associate program director.
Zak has over 20 years experiences working in higher education, including at both the community college and UC level. Most recently, Zak served as executive director of the Global Learning Hub at UC Davis overseeing their global leadership programs, experiential learning, and study abroad operations. Zak’s prior experience includes service as director of Study Abroad (UC Davis), UCEAP program coordinator (UC Davis), budget and student service administration (Cabrillo College), and a variety of leadership roles within NAFSA, including academy coach, Region XII chair, and current national chair-elect of the Teaching, Learning and Scholarship Knowledge Community. Zak holds a master’s degree in Educational Policy from UC Davis and has published multi-institutional research on student self-efficacy and preparation for study abroad.

Hasmik Katchadrian

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Samantha Jewell

Samantha Jewell has joined UCEAP as a study abroad advisor.
While pursuing a bachelor's degree in Classical Civilization with minors in Archaeology and Political Science at UC Irvine, Samantha studied abroad in Athens, Greece. While there, she was able to act as a college relations representative for her program. Samantha also participated in an archeology excavation in both Greece and Portugal. Returning to Irvine, she was a study abroad peer advisor at UCI’s Study Abroad Center from 2021-2022. Samantha’s portfolio includes Spain (not summer), Chile, and Argentina.

Joselit Juarez

Joselit Juarez has joined UCEAP as a study abroad advisor.
Joselit received her bachelor's degree in Language Studies-Italian from UC Santa Cruz. From 2015 to 2016, she studied abroad in Bologna, Italy, through UCEAP. Joselit gained experience working in higher education as an international admissions advisor at California State University, Northridge, before taking part in the North American Language and Culture Assistants Program in Spain. Recently, she was a language assistant at CEIP Pedro Garfias in Seville, Spain. Joselit’s portfolio includes France, Belgium, Switzerland, Thailand, Hong Kong, and the summer programs at Sussex, Glasgow, and Dublin.

Noeli Martinez

Noeli Martinez has joined the UC Santa Barbara Education Abroad Program as an academic integration specialist.
She also serves as the program advisor for UC Santa Barbara’s Capital Internship Program. A UCSB graduate, Noeli interned through the UCDC program when she was a student and understands the value of off-campus opportunities. She is looking forward to working with academic departments on their integration efforts.

Alyssa Oliver

Alyssa Oliver has joined UCEAP as a study abroad advisor.
Alyssa graduated from UC Berkeley in 2021 with a double major in English and Political Economy. Although the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many of her plans, she was still able to complete her undergraduate studies remotely from Carlos III University of Madrid. She also studied Spanish at the Spanish Institute of Puebla. She is deeply committed to student success, and she is excited to apply her experiences to the study abroad advisor role at UCEAP, helping UC students achieve their goals at home and abroad. Alyssa’s portfolio includes South Korea, Denmark, and Norway.

Lisa Pasquinelli

Lisa Pasquinelli has joined the UCEAP Bologna Study Center as a program assistant.
Lisa is an alumna of the University of Bologna, where she earned her master’s degree in Foreign Languages for International Communication. She has had the opportunity to live in various European countries through study abroad programs, and before joining the UCEAP Bologna Study Center, she worked with two other university study abroad programs in Italy. Lisa is excited to support UCEAP Bologna students in their cultural experiences and academic pursuits.

Arturo Torres

Arturo Torres has joined the UC Santa Cruz Global Learning team as a Global Learning Advisor, providing general advising on all global learning program types.
Arturo completed dual bachelor’s degrees in International Development Studies and Sociology from UC Los Angeles. As an undergraduate, he studied abroad in Switzerland through UCEAP and discovered a passion for international education and first-generation experiences abroad. Recently, Arturo served as an education abroad advisor at Northern Arizona University and specialized in all programs in Latin America and Spain.

Trung Tran

Trung Tran has joined UCEAP as a program coordinator.
While completing his bachelor's degree from UC Los Angeles, Trung studied abroad with UCEAP in Bologna and is now the program coordinator at the Bologna Study Center. He has extensive experience working in international education, particularly with faculty-led programs in Italy. He earned a master's degree in Food History from the University of Bologna and is finishing his second master's degree with a focus on the history of international education at the University of Padua.

Sarah Weins

After working at the UC Davis Global Learning Hub for the last 10 years, Sarah Wiens is now a program coordinator and advisor.
An alum of UC Berkeley, Sarah studied abroad in London through UCEAP, as well as served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Kyrgyzstan. Sarah received a master's degree in International Policy Studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Prior to joining UC Davis, she managed a women’s micro-credit program for Winrock International in Kyrgyzstan and interned with Mercy Corps. After working in Washington, DC, for five years, implementing study abroad programs in Africa, Turkey, and Asia, Sarah joined the UC Davis Global Learning Hub. Sarah will be advising for UK-England, Latin America, Canada, and Barbados.

Phoebe Wicks

Phoebe Wicks has joined UCEAP as a study abroad advisor.
Phoebe grew up in Uganda and has lived in four countries around the world. She studied abroad in the United Kingdom and Mexico. Phoebe has bachelor's degrees in English Literature and Global Studies from Westmont College in 2021. After studying abroad twice in college—once in the United Kingdom and once in Mexico—Phoebe knows first-hand the transformative experience that cross-cultural study can be. Phoebe's portfolio includes Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, Barbados, Canada, Brazil, and Sweden.

Xinduo Xiong

Xinduo Xiong has joined UCEAP as a study abroad advisor.
Coming from Beijing, Xinduo started her academic journey in the US as a high school exchange student in Minden, La., finishing high school in Redmond, Wash. She received her bachelor’s degree in Communication and Global Studies from UC Santa Barbara, where she participated in a yearlong UCEAP program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018. Xinduo received her master’s degree in Anthropology and Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. Prior to joining UCEAP, Xinduo worked as a program coordinator on the Global Networks and Professional Exchange team at World Learning in Washington, DC. Xinduo’s portfolio includes Japan, Iceland, India, Dominican Republic, and Czech Republic.

Austin Ye

Austin Ye has joined UCEAP as a study abroad advisor.
Hailing from Syracuse, NY, Austin received his bachelor’s degree in East Asian Linguistics, Chinese Studies, and AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) Studies from Binghamton University-SUNY in 2020 and his master’s degree in Chinese Studies from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst in 2022. Austin has participated in study abroad programs at the University of Tokyo in Japan and Suzhou University in China. Austin has partial fluency in Mandarin Chinese and is self-studying Japanese. His portfolio includes Spain (summer), China, Taiwan, Botswana, Ghana, Germany, and Israel.


Ashley Arvanites

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Jessica Muscat

Jessica Muscat is taking on the new role of academic associate program director. She has been an Academic specialist at UCEAP for eight years.
Prior to that, Jessica was the academic advisor at the UC San Diego International Programs. She has over 12 years of experience in international education at the University of California. Jessica also worked as an English language professor at Duoc UC, a nonprofit private institute of higher education in Santiago, Chile.

Monica Macias

Monica Macias is taking on the new role of application managing supervisor.
Monica learned about UCEAP during her first week as an undergraduate advisor at UCSB as she guided several students returning from Spain and Chile through the course petition process. Four years later she joined UCEAP as a program advisor for Spain and the Americas and transitioned to the role of program specialist in 2013. Monica has strengthened campus relations and foundationally changed our application process by leading the Application Processing Workgroup (APW) for several years.

Nancy Osborne

Nancy Osbourn is taking on the role of systemwide travel insurance liaison for the University of California.
UCEAP will host her new unit, Travel Registration and Insurance Services. Nancy will support the International Health, Safety, and Crisis Management team and all campus Risk Management offices with more advanced guidance on complex travel insurance questions and issues. She will also focus on increasing trip registration across the UC system and improving information about the travel insurance available to all UC travelers.

Hannah Vander Sal

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Anabel Garza

Anabel Garza has left the UCEAP finance team to become the assistant director of operations at UC Merced.
Anabel had been with UCEAP since August 2022. Coming from the UC Merced Financial Aid Office, Anabel brought a wealth of knowledge about student financial aid awards and the skills needed to effectively communicate with students. She quickly mastered the new UCEAP Portal system. She became knowledgeable with the Quickbooks system used for monthly reporting for her country responsibilities of the study centers in London, UK-England, and Edinburgh, UK-Scotland.

Staci Hagen

Staci Hagen has left UCEAP to become the director of Global Health, Safety, and Risk at Santa Clara University.
Staci served as assistant director for the UCEAP International Health, Safety, and Crisis Management team. As the IHSCM assistant director, she supported the direction and leadership of the team as they facilitated the well-being of University of California students and staff in over 142 locations worldwide. Staci spent six years at UCEAP.

Nicole Spector

Nicole Spector has left UCEAP’s Marketing, Communications, and Engagement team to become senior writer: finance for the GOBankingRates website.
While at UCEAP, Nicole contributed to multiple communication channels, including The Californian Abroad, UCEAP website, Explore the World social media campaign, and the UCEAPulse newsletter.


Paulette Greisner

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Karen Hyslop

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Peggy Kidney

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17 Fall Scholarship application deadline
7 Gilman Scholarship deadline
16 Spring Peace Corps Prep Program application deadline
In an effort to provide even more news and calendar events, UCEAPulse is going through changes in this year.
Plans include quarterly newsletters, quick-read stories, and more interactive content.
Copyright © 2024
University of California Education Abroad Program, All rights reserved.
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In an effort to provide even more news and calendar events, UCEAPulse is going through changes in this year.
Plans include quarterly newsletters, quick-read stories, and more interactive content.
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Copyright © 2024
University of California Education Abroad Program, All rights reserved.